
Worship Services

8:30 Service in the Upper Room

10:30 Traditional Worship Service in the Sanctuary

Fall/Winter/Spring Schedule:

On September 11, 2022, we resumed an informal early service at 8:30 a.m. in the Upper Room of the church. This early service is shorter in length, without a choir, and does not have greeters, and there is no childcare available. It's a simpler and more intimate service. Just come on in and join us. The Upper Room was recently renovated back to a chapel and meeting space. It was the sanctuary of the church built in the 1930s to replace the old Mission School, and was used for that purpose until the building of the current sanctuary in 1984.

Traditional Second Worship Service at 10:30 am — Sanctuary

A zoom option is available for this service; if you need the link please email Karen at:

Click here to see recent Orders of Service

** Please check ANNOUNCEMENTS for current schedule.**

EXTRA information

Communion is served the first Sunday of every month at both services. We serve grape juice instead of wine so that all may partake.

Missed a service? Going out of town? The Sunday service is recorded each week and edited onto a CD. Most sermons are located on this website or there are free copies of recent worship services on a table in the Fellowship Hall, or you may use a sign up book to receive past or future dates of your choice.

For the Hearing Impaired: Our sanctuary is equipped with a public address system for the hearing impaired. It operates on a radio frequency which is transmitted to special assisted hearing devices that are available for use during the service. Please ask the greeters or sound technician for this equipment as you enter the sanctuary.

Our Spanish Heritage: Although some of us were not born speaking Spanish, LPPC was and to honor our congregation's Spanish heritage, we include Spanish elements in the liturgy in every service. The Spanish hymn is usually from the red hymn book.

Outdoor Worship: Once a year, we try to hold a Sunday morning worship service at the Sandia Conference Grounds up in the Sandia mountains, weather and fire hazard permitting. Afterward everyone stays for a picnic lunch. Please watch this page for the scheduled Outdoor Worship service for this year!