Sunday Morning Adult Forum
The Adult Forum meets occasionally on Sunday mornings at 9:15 am (September through May), between worship services, for Adult Christian Education discussion in the Upper Room. The sessions vary in topic and presentation, including guest speakers, presentations by our own church or community members, DVDs and books. The sessions are often recorded so please check for any sessions you might have missed. Scroll down to see recent topics.
Evening Study Group
This eclectic group of adults are not just LPPC members, but community members of all faiths and backgrounds. We meet Wednesday nights from 7:00 to 8:30 pm via Zoom (September through May) to study and discuss topics of theological and social significance. We review books, films or video series and share in-depth discussion, consideration, conversation and debate. Leadership rotates among the group members. All are welcome! For more questions, please contact the church office at 505-867-5718. Currently meeting via Zoom... call 505-867-5718 for the link.
Tuesday Morning Breakfast Group
The Breakfast Group meets Tuesday mornings at 8:00 am at at the Placitas Café in Homesteads Village for breakfast, fellowship, and discussion of Sunday's sermon and scripture readings. There is no script and the atmosphere is always informal. Any questions, contact Jack Ferrell at 505-867-2242.
Women's Prayer Circle
Women of all ages in the community are welcome to join us in a communal prayer circle every other Wednesday evening for about 30 - 40 minutes. This is time to reflect, offer support to one another and to offer support to the world around us through group prayer. Please contact Elizabeth Dickson through the church office at 505-867-5718 with any questions.
Online Lectionary Lessons from PC (USA)
For those of you wanting to enhance your private meditation and prayer, the Presbyterian Church (USA) provides daily ecumenical lectionary lessons, one each from the Old Testament, Psalms, Gospels, and Epistles. You can read the Scriptures online or have them delivered automatically every day by e-mail from the Presbyterian Church website. If you read the lessons daily for the three year cycle, you will have made your way through the whole Bible! Whether you are familiar with all the Bible stories, or are a newcomer to Scripture, this is a great way to grow in your faith.
LPPC frequently organizes and hosts various workshops that help members of all faiths grow in their spiritual path. Please check our announcement page and calendar for upcoming scheduled workshops open to the public. Workshops in the past years have included "Spirituality and Photography", using photography as a spiritual discipline, and led by Water in the Desert Ministries.