Volunteering: Help is needed at Casa Rosa with various activities (as assigned by the Chair or by the Food Pantry Coordinator on duty):
•On Friday mornings (usually from about 8:00 to around 10:00) to unload the Roadrunner Food Bank truck and stock shelves, refrigerators, and freezers.
•On Saturday mornings from about 8:30 (when clients begin to register) through the distribution hours of 9:00 to 11:00.
•As needed to help with sorting and processing donated clothes and household goods.
Monetary Donations: Casa Rosa’s income is primarily dependent upon monetary donations from individuals, businesses, and groups. Checks are made payable to Casa Rosa Food Pantry and mailed to P.O. Box 768, Placitas, NM 87043. Monetary donations can also be made on line by credit card or bank account transfer by going to www.casarosafoodpantry.org, clicking on “About Us” and scrolling down to the “Donate Here” button. Through Casa Rosa’s participation as a partner agency with the Roadrunner Food Bank of New Mexico, Casa Rosa can order food, especially in bulk quantities, at reduced prices and can receive USDA commodities at no cost. Thus, every dollar donated to Casa Rosa enables the purchase of approximately $9 worth of food. Monetary donations also help Casa Rosa volunteers purchase at local stores other needed and preferred items not available through Roadrunner.
Clothing and Household Goods Donations: Donations of clothes (especially men’s clothes as well as coats, sweaters, gloves, etc., in the winter) and household goods in working order are greatly appreciated by the clients. Please note that Casa Rosa is unable to accept electronics. Donations can be dropped off at LPPC during office hours (9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Tu-F in summer and M-F the rest of the year) or at Casa Rosa when volunteers are there on Friday and Saturday mornings. If you have large furniture or working appliances to be disposed of, let us know, and we will find out if there are interested clients who have access to a vehicle to pick up the large items.
Supporting Fund-Raising Efforts: Your participation in collections sponsored by organizations or in other activities held to benefit Casa Rosa Food Pantry is greatly appreciated. Additionally, for those who shop online at Amazon, you can help Casa Rosa by signing up one time at http://smile.amazon.com and, where prompted, entering Las Placitas Presbyterian Church as the charitable organization. (Casa Rosa Food Pantry derives its tax-exempt status through LPPC as an outreach mission.) After that one-time selection, you only need to remember from then on to shop online through smile.amazon.com, where you will see at the top of the page “AmazonSmile Supporting: Las Placitas Presbyterian Church.” For all those who have selected LPPC as the charitable organization and who shop online at smile.amazon.com, the AmazonSmile Foundation will then deposit quarterly donations equivalent to 0.5% of these individuals’ total purchase costs directly into Casa Rosa’s independent checking account.
The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much;
it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little.” Franklin Roosevelt